It’s been more than a year since the world was hit by COVID-19, businesses need a disrupting change. The answer is uncertainty. Slowly, companies establish new practices. The travel industry is one of the most affected businesses, cancelled flights, denied visas, quarantine issues and more. It has been chaos.
Like many other areas, the legal industry is constantly changing. International travel in the new normal puts everyone into uncertainties. With Legaroo, you can rely on legal assistance and receive immediate access while you travel. Legaroo offers innovative products for users of legal services and new business opportunities for law firms around the world hand in hand with technology.
In this Asiajuris webinar, Alex Thompson CEO and Co-Founder of Legaroo shared his insights on Transformation of Legal Industry And Its Effect on "Travel in the New Normal"
He discussed the pressing topics that include legal assistance mainly on advice and consultation for immigration issues, visa problems, quarantine issues, traffic infractions, minor violations, criminal incidents and initial representation in litigation.