LINDNER Congress Hotel Seestern it’s 10 min by car to the golfcourse of Duvenhof The hotel should be booked by everybody himself. Tournament: We meet 6th May 10:30 a.m. at the starterhouse (tee 1) Start at 11:00 a.m.- 18 wholes par 72. Groups à 3 persons (stableford) Greenfee (60.--€) is to pay at the secretary of the golfclub. 40,-- € (Lunch, Dinner) are to be paid before start in cash. After tournament Busekist Winter & Partner invite for drinks at the “Rondell” (=tee 19) At 19:30 pm. we will have dinner (if sunny, and it will be sunny) on the terrace of the clubhouse Reservation: Everybody is asked to confirm his / her participation latest until 2nd May 2016 under or by phone: 0049-211-