Events and Training

Eurojuris Practice Groups Days

Eurojuris Practice Groups Days

visit: After Copenhagen, Riga and Cracow, Düsseldorf has been chosen to welcome the 6th Practice Groups’ Days. This will also be an occasion to discover an exciting city and meet with the lawyers of our new Eurojuris correspondents and members of the brand new chapter in Ukraine. Over the past six years of their existence, Practice Groups have become strategic units in our network. Their members are sharing their in-depth experiences which they have made in their respective national market segments. This allows them to be identified as real specialists in their respective field of legal practice which enhances the exchange of business between the law firms involved in the Practice Groups. Attending Düsseldorf next 7-10 May 2009 is a must for all lawyers registered in the Practice Groups. It is also a great opportunity for the ones considering becoming a Eurojuris specialist. They will be able to see the quality of the work and cooperation that has been developed between lawyers who share the same practice areas! We look forward to seeing you at this event!! Get your registration form and programme!

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