Most of our members at Eurojuris International are involved with the leadership and management of their firm, so Chris Marston held a Management Group session to give us an opportunity to explore some non-legal, but very important subjects that influence the future success of your firm.
Some of us are regular delegates at Eurojuris International events. Others may never have attended. The beauty of online sessions is that you can attend with minimal disruption to your day, to your client-facing, fee-earning time and without the costs associated with travel and accommodation. For all our meetings, we look forward to welcoming some new faces, perhaps from firms who engage fully with their national association but not so much with Eurojuris International. Especially in our Management Group, we are happy to welcome some colleagues who are not lawyers, but who are active in the management of their firm; or in business development, given the subject matter for the session.
Our session on 19 November featured an excellent pre-recorded webinar focusing on the challenges of developing your practice and winning new clients in a changed world:
Digital Humanity – How professionals can create trust online
We need to attract new clients, but the traditional styles of networking are no longer available to us. In this webinar, Peter Rosenwald and Holly Blount from Chartered Developments Ltd explored how our brains react to today’s digital platforms and how we can embrace new business development techniques.
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