


Adlex Advocaten

Genk, Belgium

Areas of practice

Real estate
Civil law
Commercial relations and contracts

Practice Groups

Real Estate Law

Languages Spoken


Message to colleagues and clients

An important percentage of our clients are commercial companies. These companies vary from small enterprises to large companies to which we offer services on almost all juridical domains such as labour law, contract law, administrative law etc... Adlex also acts for several important and large insurance companies. Furthermore Adlex has defended the interests of several public companies, local authorities and institutions such as health services, hospitals and other social institutions. Last but not least, Adlex defends the interests of an important private clientele. Our law firm assists its clientele not only through litigation but we focus upon alternative dispute resolution via negotiation, advising upon and drafting contracts. The interests of the client remain our priority.

Professional Values and Law Firm Culture

Above all I expect from EJ international that it maintains and enlarges a network composed of reliable and efficient law firms in as many countries as possible. Trustworthiness, specialisation, good access and a multilingual service are essential. Besides this I appreciate well organised and instructive congresses that facilitate good networking. Finally I really enjoy the social activities that are organised and the friendships that are developed between lawyers from all different countries. A good atmosphere stimulates good business. I really appreciate the good job that the Eurojuris board is doing on all these fronts.


Yves Daenen (° 1962 Genk) graduated from the Faculty of Law with KU Leuven in 1985. His studies extended to the Université Catholique of Louvain La Neuve (UCLouvain), where he obtained his PhD in International Relations and Comparative Politics. It was here that he also obtained the certificate “Niveau approfondi de la lanque Italienne”. He took the oath in 1985 and began practicing law with the Bar of Tongeren. For the past 15 years Yves Daenen has served as director (and as president from 2011 to 2015) of EUROJURIS BELGIE, which operates as a component of EUROJURIS INTERNATIONAL. He is fluent in both Dutch and French and also processes dossiers in English, German and Italian. Yves Daenen is deputy Justice of the Peace in Genk, and guest lecturer within the UCLL (University Colleges Leuven Limburg) and PXL University of Applied Science, within Syntra Limburg, Fortio and Vivo, in addition to education centres within the real estate sector. He lectures primarily in real estate law within the programmes for estate agents and legal practice. As solicitor, he is chiefly focused on real estate and property law on the one hand, and civil disputes on the other. Yves Daenen is a member and former president of Genk-Staelen Rotary Club and of the Groot Genker Orchestra. He enjoys hiking and has a passion for music and history.

Expertise and professional education

Adlex Advocaten offers its clientele a legal service on almost every juridical domain. Each member of the office deals with a specific area of law. On the other hand Adlex offers good and easy accessibility to its clients. Every case is dealt with in a very personal way by one of the associates or partners of the firm. As a medium sized law office comprising 26 lawyers, Adlex combines specialisation with personal contact and that with very acceptable and competitive fees and costs. Add to that the membership of Eurojuris international with a direct access to more than 650 law firms in about 50 countries and a service provided in 5 languages and conclude : Adlex is a trustworthy partner to deal with your case.

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